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Rock Paper Scissors Blog

Why Rebrand - Round Table Discussion - Rock Paper Scissors

Why Rebrand?

Why should you rebrand? When should you do it? What are the pros and cons to consider? Learn the answers to those questions and more.

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Print Is Not Dead: Engaging Audiences Outside the Digital World

Print is Not Dead

Screen time has increased quite a bit over the last decade, and as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 with more people staying at home, screen time increased

Social Media Ads

What are Social Media Ads?

In our webinar “Grow & Engage: Using Pay-Per-Click and Social Media Ads to Reach Your Audience”, we shared how to grow and engage your audience using social media ads. Read

Measuring Success

How to Measure the Success of a Campaign

You’ve established who your audience is, know their pain points and what you need to do to meet their needs in the right place at the right time. You have


Determining Success is a Team Sport

Anytime you begin a new project or campaign, you want it to be successful. But what success looks like in your eyes may not always look like success to others.

Introducing Prosperous Places
In the Spotlight

Introducing Prosperous Places!

We are proud to have recently launched a brand new resource for community and economic development with the Janus Institute. Prosperous Places was born out of our shared passion for