Brand Consistency: Why You Need to Care About It

When you think of a business or nonprofit, one of the first things you probably think of in regard to the brand is its logo. However, branding runs much deeper than a logo. It’s true that the visual aspects of your brand make you stand out in the crowd, but branding encompasses so much more […]
Determining Success is a Team Sport

Anytime you begin a new project or campaign, you want it to be successful. But what success looks like in your eyes may not always look like success to others. That’s why you have to get your team onboard up front and work together to determine what success looks like collectively, and part of defining […]
Introducing Prosperous Places!

We are proud to have recently launched a brand new resource for community and economic development with the Janus Institute. Prosperous Places was born out of our shared passion for making the world a better place by using our talents in the realm of community and economic development, as well as our goal of inspiring […]
The Power of Color in Branding and Marketing
Did you miss our recent webinar on The Power of Color? Read on for the full recap. Fall is one of our favorite times of year because it’s such a colorful season here in North Georgia. The leaves are turning to brilliant shades of red, orange, and yellow and you can’t miss the colorful pumpkin […]
The Value of Branding
Did you miss our latest webinar on The Value of Branding? Check out our recap below, or watch the video included at the bottom of this post! Think about the last time you went to a restaurant and were asked what you wanted to drink. You may have asked for a soda or a pop… […]