Diabetes Education & Camping Association

Logo Design

Creating a strong logo for a leader in camping experiences for children facing diabetes

Client Type:


Our Role:

  • Logo design

The Diabetes Education & Campaign Association (DECA) came to us for help designing a new logo. There had been confusion about what the organization does, so our goal was to create a more professional logo that better reflected DECA as a resource for camps offering programs to children with diabetes. We led DECA’s executive director and key stakeholders through our logo development workshop, looking at brands that did and didn’t resonate with them and why, and developed mood boards to establish the creative direction. From there, our team created black-and-white logo concepts first and then added colors to help them visualize the end result. The DECA team ultimately settled on a new brand mark featuring triangular shapes reflective of tents to draw the connection to the camps they serve. The cleaner color scheme and new logo have helped show a stronger organization that is ready to help camps across the globe provide a better experience for diabetic children.

Black-and-white logo concepts were created to help our clients focus on styles that resonated with them. Color was added next to help them visualize the final design selection. 

Elements of the logo were used on the website to further establish the visual brand and build a consistent look.