Nothing Missing: Why The Puzzle Piece Isn’t Used in Autism Acceptance

It seems as we flip the calendar each month, there’s a new “awareness” month taking place. For example, September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, while in October our attention turns to Breast Cancer Awareness. In most cases, there is a symbol and a color associated with the topic to be aware of, such as the […]
Introducing Prosperous Places!

We are proud to have recently launched a brand new resource for community and economic development with the Janus Institute. Prosperous Places was born out of our shared passion for making the world a better place by using our talents in the realm of community and economic development, as well as our goal of inspiring […]
Colors, Patterns, and Textures in TV

Here’s the deal: There’s nothing like your boss calling you into the office and assigning you the tremendous task of creating the next segment of the video series for your website and social media marketing campaign, featuring your latest and greatest project. This is the big leagues and Coach is putting YOU in. It’s easy […]