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Rock Paper Scissors Blog

Why Rebrand - Round Table Discussion - Rock Paper Scissors

Why Rebrand?

Why should you rebrand? When should you do it? What are the pros and cons to consider? Learn the answers to those questions and more.

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Brands Have Personalities, Too

What is brand personality + positioning, and why is it important? Learn the answers to these questions and see examples in action.

What is Google Analytics 4?
News from RPS

What is Google Analytics 4?

In our latest RPS webinar, we took a look at the newest Google Analytics property, Google Analytics 4. Check out the recording of the webinar and our recap below to

Messaging: The Importance of Simplicity

Messaging: The Importance of Simplicity

What sets your brand apart from competitors? In a business environment that is ever-growing and very congested, it’s important to learn how to make your brand stand out above others.

what goes on in a focus group?

Everybody Focus! What Goes on in a Focus Group?

Focus groups are a great way for brands, businesses and organizations to collect consumer insight, but what exactly do they entail? What A focus group is a research method where